Afton Grove WSC P.O. Box 245
New Summerfield, TX 75780
Business Phone # 903-721-0508:
Office Days: Monday - Friday:
Hours 9:00 - 1:00:
Emergency #903-721-0508:
Population: 525

Welcome to our website. We will be posting news and photos of events as they occur. You now have a direct link on the right side of this page to pay your bill online. First time users will need to register. The municipality code is AftonGroveWSC choose a login ID and Password. Then each month you may use the link here to pay your bill. You must re-enter all financial information each month.
Pay Utilities Online
CCR Report for 2023.doc
Date: 11/11/2016
Welcome to our website
Date: 11/16/2016
Afton Grove WSC is a non profit corporation. You can help us reduce cost by requesting your water bills via email.
Date: 11/16/2016
If you see standing water, please call our office 903-721-0508 to determine if it may be a leak.
HOLIDAYS The office will be closed, however messages will be checked for emergencies
New Years Eve Day New Years Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents' Day Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day Day after Christmas
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